Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Justin Beiber

Justin Beiber, the 16 year old boy that is ruining music one "baby ohh" at a time. With his soft pre-puberty voice and weird flippy swooshy hair thing going on he has corrupted the brains of hundreds of thousands of girls. It's so bad that he's developed a new race of fans called belibers. Why exactly would a 12 year old little girl that was previously obsessed with pink and sleepovers want to call herself a beliber? It sounds like the name of a new animal race. Why all these young girls are attracted to this boy who can barely hold a note and sounds quite a bit like Alvin from Alvin and the Chipmunks, is beyond me. Now I'm not hating on the boy or his fans I'm simply asking why and how this kid got so popular. All I know is that sometime in late 2009 I heard on the news that Justin Beiber had almost been trampled by hundreds of fans is a mall. I had thought that the newscaster had said ten beavers were trampled my hundreds of fans in a mall, which didn't really make a lot of sense but still. My question to anyone anywhere that knows anything about this disgrace to human kind is this: Why do all these girls love him so much, what has he done for the world?    

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